On any given day, there are over 428,000 children in foster care in the United States.
Over 20,000 will “age out”—becoming too old to stay under State care. For many, aging out occurs at the age of 18 or as soon as they graduate from high school. While some states may allow for extended foster care, many of the youths aging out, regardless of their age, struggle with transitioning to adulthood.
20% of children who age out at 18 will instantly become homeless.

25% of the children who age out will not graduate from high school.

Only 50% of those who age out will have gainful employment by the age of 24.

Less than 3% of children who age out will earn a college degree.

70% of females who age out of foster care become pregnant by the age of 21.

60% of the males who age out have been convicted of a crime.

25% of aged out foster kids suffer from PTSD.

Over 100,000 of the children in foster care are eligible for adoption.